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Postpartum Hair Loss and How to Prevent It


Updated: Feb 7, 2023

Postpartum Hair Loss and How to Prevent It

Postpartum hair loss and its prevention.

Every woman loves to have beautiful hair. Research has shown that most women have shiny, beautiful, and thick hair during pregnancy. But as your due date draws near, there is one thing that most mothers are not prepared to lose; their beautiful hair.

Some think that the responsibilities that come with motherhood are behind their sudden hair loss. Well though motherhood comes with more responsibilities, everyone's experience is different. However, experiencing hair loss after birth is hard for most women to fathom. And in this round up, we take you through the cause of postpartum hair loss and how to prevent it.

What is Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss is excessive loss of hair after childbirth. Changes in hormones during and after childbirth are behind hair loss. Losing hair after childbirth is normal. But for some women, this phase is challenging, and some opt to cut their hair short. But the good news is you can still have healthy hair after delivery.

But before we get down to the tips for preventing postpartum hair loss, let’s look at how hormones affect hair growth.

How Hormones Affect Hair Growth

Women have different hormones which keep on changing. However, whether pregnant, in the postpartum stage, or menopause phase, estrogen is the only hormone that affects hair growth. During pregnancy, Estrogen levels go high and fluctuate after delivery or when a woman reaches the menopause stage.

This explains why most women experience sudden hair loss during menopause or delivery. When the estrogen levels drop after delivery, the hair follicles go to a resting phase, resulting in slowed hair growth. This happens about 100 days after delivery.

After this phase, the hair starts shedding off. This may vary. Some women may experience excess hair loss while others experience less hair fall. So now, how do you prevent hair loss after delivery? Read on!

How to Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss

Go Slow On Heat Hair Styles

While it can be tempting to blow dry, flat iron, or use heat curling styles, applying heat on your hair after delivery weakens the hair strands leading to excess hair loss.

Take Prenatal Vitamin

Eating a balanced diet may not give your hair all the necessary nutrients. Supplementing your diet with a prenatal vitamin supplement keeps your hair nourished and strong.

Keep Off Chemical Treatments

Due to the increased responsibilities that come with motherhood, you may be tempted to go for easy-to-maintain hairstyles like chemical treatments. But the truth is that chemical treatments may not do justice to your hair after delivery. Keep off perms, highlights, and straightening styles until the hair shedding stops.

Be Gentle on Your Hair

Your hair is delicate after childbirth and must be treated with care. Avoid over shampooing. When combing, use a wide-toothed comb to minimize tangling. Use a barrette or scrunchies to hold the hair up instead of elastic bands.

Manage Your Stress Levels

Stress is one of the leading causes of hormonal imbalances and hair loss. When not managed after childbirth, you may experience extreme hair loss. I know this is hard to take in. But if you feel worried or stressed after delivery, you can consider going for a massage to help calm your body.

Get enough rest. If you feel overwhelmed, request your spouse or family members to help with house chores or looking after the baby.

Stay Hydrated

Water helps flush out toxins and excess salt in our bodies. Consuming foods with excess salt can cause postpartum hair loss. Keeping yourself well hydrated keeps your skin and hair moisturized.

Losing hair after delivery is normal. However, how you manage this phase determines how healthy your hair will be. Don't wait until it's too late. Start following the above tips to help achieve your hair goals. In case you do not get the results you are looking for, you can consult our professional hair stylists. Book your appointment now.


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